
We want Accurx to be a place where everyone feels included. While we really encourage differing opinions and perspectives, it's super important that people always feel safe at work. We put this page together to highlight how we can actively be inclusive in the ways we work, as well as outlining behaviour that we don't accept (and what to do if you experience/observe this).

This is very much a live document, and subject to change. Please do feedback to the People Ops team or to someone in the B-team if you've got any suggestions or thoughts on it 🙂.


Part of having a diverse team means that many of us bring different perspectives, have different personalities, and think and work in different ways. It's good to remember that the way you think, approach things and work, may differ from others in your team. We want everyone to feel they belong, are valued and relied upon, and empowered. We’ve put some tips together here on how we can think about some of this in the ways we communicate, run meetings, and work with each other generally. It's not exhaustive, but just some examples of how we can all foster belonging and positively contribute to a really great working environment 🙂.

Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying

We don't tolerate discrimination, harassment or bullying in any form. In particular, nobody should ever feel excluded or discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity or nationality, age, gender, sex, gender identity or expression, physical appearance (including but not limited to body size), socioeconomic status or background, religious or political affiliations, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, parental status (including pregnancy), relationship status or work experience. Remember that calling attention to differences can be alienating or make people feel excluded.