Shifting GP practices from paper to SMS already saves thousands of sheets of paper a day, but there's more we can do as a company. The planet is in the midst of a climate and ecological crisis so this is something we all need to care about.


We try to recycle as much as possible. Most glass, foil/tin, paper/cardboard and a lot of plastics can now be recycled. If it has food stains on, it needs a wash before it goes into the bin! There should be posters above each bin with the rules. Grab Space and Events Team if you need more information on this. When food arrives during lunch, Rocio will put on to the #lunch slack channel how the packaging should be binned.

Low plastic

We have a massive problem with plastic in our oceans and water streams. As a company, we will keep trying to cut down our plastic use. There's a lot of tips you can use as an individual too. Some of the best are:

Eating meat

One of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint is reducing your meat intake. To champion this, we've decided to go veggie or pescatarian with our lunches.


We are hiring a chef that will be cooking sustainable food for Breakfast, Lunch and even the snacks!


If you need to take accuRx flights, we will pay for carbon offsetting for you. We suggest you also do this for personal flights and try to use trains wherever possible. We have a list of companies we trust for offsetting.